Aussiedoodles have existed organically throughout the world for many years, although it was not until the late 90’s that they were intentionally bred in the United States.
Aussiedoodles are a finely crafted work of Art - A Monet, a fine mix of intelligence and beauty mixed with the innate ability to read emotions, with the will to work and the will to please - all the while being hypoallergenic, does that not make the PERFECT DOG? What other two breeds have such wonderful qualities and colors all wrapped into one gorgeous package?
Throughout history all modern purebreds were crossed with several breeds to create the existing purebred breed standard dog that is registered with the AKC and the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club). One day perhaps the Aussiedoodels of today will be a the purebred of tomorrow and be recognized by the Kennel Clubs in both Canada and the US.
AUSSIEDOODLES!! …….a Work of Art
So how is an Aussiedoodle created? Well you take the two core dogs, a purebred Australian Shepherd (standard size or miniature) and cross it with a purebred Poodle (toy, mini or standard.) and voila`, we have an F1 Aussiedoodle. The F stands for Finial Hybrid, or simply put, a dog that came rom 2 purebreds. In theory the first cross is 50% Australian Shepherd and 50% purebred Poodle, but in reality it may not be an exact cross. Your pup may of picked up more of the poodle genes, or perhaps more Australian Shepherd genes. Mother Nature is funny that way. An F1 is kind of a toss of a coin as to whether they will shed or not, most will not shed much at all, some more than others. This cross has the most hybrid vigor but vary wideley in looks because of the chance of picking of more genes of one parent than the other.
The second generation, an F1b, is a cross between an F1 Aussiedoodle and then backcrossed (b) to a poodle. Sometimes people chose to back cross to an Aussidoodle as well, but this is generally only done with a multigen, not a first cross. This generation is less likely to shed as the percentage of poodle increases from approximately 50% to 75%. If you have any allergies, this is the generation for you, as it is most likely will not shed and will be more hypoallergenic.
The third and subsequent generation or multigens is what I breed. Mine are F2b. This is a cross of an F1 and and F1b. The percentage of poodle is slightly reduced to approximately 62.5% and Australian Shepherd is 37.5%. I do this to try and tame down some of the tight curl that is so common in an F1B while still keeping the percentage of poodle slightly higher to retain the hypoallergenic side. There is nothing wrong with the curls, they are gorgeous, but they are also quite high maintenance and require daily brushing to keep them looking great and matts from forming. Some in this generation will have a slightly less curly coat but they still maintains the beautiful look we all love.
Multi gens still have a higher hybrid vigor than either parent breed and therefore healthier. Hybrid vigor is the improved performance of the cross over the parent breeds.
Aussiedoodles are affectionately known as the Einstein of all the doodles. They are absolutely the most intelligent, intuitive, lovable and affectionate dog I have ever owned. They have an innate ability to read your emotions and act accordingly. They have the nickname of velcro dogs as you will NEVER be alone again. They are not a dog that likes to be left without their “pack”. These attributes make them great emotional support dogs, diabetic alert dogs, and some even service dogs. They love to work and are easily taught.
Me?………………NO, I would NEVER EVER
do anything I’m not supposed to!
Aussiedoodles are a herding and working breed and herding is inherent in their DNA and can not be totally bred out . I have tried to tame down the herding instinct in my program, but of course it will always be there. I have found that most of the dogs I have placed fall in line with the nurture, nature and the environment of their new family “pack”. They are an intelligent breed that likes a job and can become mischievous if bored and their minds become idle. They love to run and play, but as the toy and mini size are quite small, they do not need acres to make them happy. A walk down city streets, a romp in the back yard or the park makes them happy dogs. They like to remain with their family at all times and do noy like being left alone for extended periods of time. They would rather go with you! Because of their small nature this is easily done. Most can actually fly in cabin with you on any airline in a soft sided airline approved carrier that fits under the seat in front of you. So if this sounds like it fits the bill for you, then you might just be ready for a new little companion!
gAussiedoodles are the most loveable and sweet dogs you have ever met, but having said that, they are not for everyone. The size I breed is relatively small but still require a fair amount of regular grooming. They will need to be brushed on an almost daily basis to stop matts from forming. Their hair does not shed, and will grow until cut so they will need trips to the groomers on a regular basis, unless you would like to learn to groom them yourself - which is totally doable, although a learning curve is involved………..along with a few bad hairdos!! LOL I can recommend a few necessary grooming tools and a facebook grooming group that is full of invaluable information and where you can also ask any question you might have and with patience and time you will become quite good.